
2024 – Mentesana L, Casagrande S & Hau M.

Baseline glucocorticoids alone do not predict reproductive success across years, but in interaction with enzymatic antioxidants.


2024 – Taff C, Baldan D, Mentesana L, Ouyan J, Vitousek M & Hau M.

Endocrine flexibility can facilitate or constrain the ability to cope with global change.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

2023 – Huge AC, Adreani NM, Colombelli-Négre D, Akçay C, Common LK & Kleindorfer S.

Age effects in Darwin’s finches: older males build more concealed nests in areas with more heterospecific singing neighbors.

Journal of Ornithology

2023 – Soares L, …, Mentesana L, … & Ribeiro Martins PV.

Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future.

Ornithological Applications

2022 – Adreani MN, Valcu M, Citizen Scientists & Mentesana L.

Asymmetric architecture is non-random and repeatable in a bird’s nests.

Current Biology

2022 – Mentesana L & Hau M.

Glucocorticoids in a warming world: Do they help birds to cope with high environmental temperatures?

Hormones and Behavior

2022 – Malkoc K, Mentesana L, Casagrande S & Hau M.

Quantifying glucocorticoid plasticity using reaction norm approaches: There still is so much to discover!

Integrative and Comparative Biology

2022 – Guggenberger M, Adreani NM, Foerster K & Kleindorfer S.

Vocal recognition of distance calls in a group-living basal bird: the greylag goose, Anser anser.

Animal Behaviour

2022 – Theuerkauf J, Villavicencio C, Adreani MN, …, Mentesana L, … & Masello JF.

Austral birds offer insightful complementary models in ecology and evolution.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution

2022 – Kleindorfer S, Colombelli‐Négrel D, … & Adreani NM.

Functional traits and foraging behaviour: avian vampire fly larvae change the beak and fitness of their Darwin’s finch hosts.

Functional Ecology

2021 – Mentesana L & Adreani NM.

Acute aggressive behavior perturbates the oxidative status of a wild bird independently of testosterone and progesterone.

Hormones and Behavior

2021 – Mentesana L, Andersson MN, Casagrande S, Goymann W, Isaksson C & Hau M.

Natural variation in yolk fatty acids, but not androgens, predicts offspring fitness in a wild bird.

Frontiers in Zoology

2021 – Kleindorfer S, Common LK, O’Connor JA, Garcia-Loor J, Katsis AC, Dudaniec RY, Colombelli-Négrel D & Adreani NM.

Female in-nest attendance predicts the number of ectoparasites in Darwin’s finch species.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B

2021 – Colombelli-Négrel D, Hauber ME, Evans C, Katsis AC, Brouwer L, Adreani NM & Kleindorfer S.

Prenatal auditory learning in avian vocal learners and non-learners.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

2020 – Mentesana L, Moiron M, Guedes E, Cavalli E, Tassino B, Adreani MN.

Defending as a unit: sex-and context-specific territorial defence in a duetting bird.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

2020 – Adreani MN, D’Amelio PB, Gahr M & Ter Maat A.

Life-stage dependent plasticity in the auditory system of a songbird is signal and emitter-specific.

Frontiers in Neuroscience

2020 – Norte AC, Margos G, …, Mentesana L, …, & Lopes de Carvalho I.

Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick‐borne bacterial pathogen.

Molecular Ecology

2019 – Mentesana L, Isaksson C, Goymann W, Andersson MN, Trappschuh M & Hau M.

Female variation in allocation of steroid hormones, antioxidants and fatty acids: a multilevel analysis in a wild passerine bird.

Journal of Avian Biology

2018 – Adreani NM, Goymann W, & Mentesana L.

Not one hormone or another: aggression differentially affects progesterone and testosterone in a South American ovenbird.

Hormones and Behavior

2017 – D’Amelio PB, Klumn M, Adreani NM, Gahr M & Ter Maat A.

Individual recognition of opposite sex vocalizations in the zebra finch.

Scientific reports

2016 – Gill LF, D’Amelio PB, Adreani NM, Sagunsky H, Gahr M & Ter Maat A.

A minimum‐impact, flexible tool to study vocal communication of small animals with precise individual‐level resolution.

Methods in Ecology and Evolution


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